TEN - Traditional European Naturopathy

The modern version of Traditional European Naturopathy (TEN) combines medical knowledge dating back thousands of years with recent findings of modern science in the fields of medicine and phytotherapy (herbal medicine). As a holistic medical system, TEN considers all aspects of life as possible influences on health and therefore includes them in treatment. Body, mind and soul are interconnected and influence each other.

The roots of TEN can be traced back to 4000-3000 BC. As in other holistic medical systems (Traditional Chinese Medicine from Asia, Ayurveda from India, etc.), TEN supports health by activating self-healing powers and restoring a lost balance.


History, basic elements, methodology

In the “TEN Summary” (PDF) you can learn more about the medical concept, its development and the most important basics, as well as various diagnostic and therapeutic options.


Herbs - the TEN treasure box is very diverse

In addition to the scientifically recognized, ingredients-based medicinal effects of European herbs, TEN draws on empirical knowledge of European medicinal plants that is as old as mankind itself.

Qualities of the various European medicinal plants are:

warming, cooling, drying, moisturizing, decongestive, stimulating lymph flow, detoxifying, draining, expectorant, diuretic, digestive, counteracting flatulence, stimulating, calming, regulating, antispasmodic, and much more.

California poppy